
Extermination of other insects and other pests


Earwigs are often considered a nuisance pest and are known for their pincer-like cerci that are located at the back of their abdomen. These insects are attracted to damp areas and will often enter homes in search of shelter and food. They can be found in bathrooms, kitchens, and bases, and may even find their way into your bedding. Extermination Cible Action offers effective earwig control services to eliminate these pests from your home and keep them from coming back.


Cockroaches are one of the most dreaded household pests due to their ability to spread disease and trigger allergies. These insects are attracted to warm, humid environments and are commonly found in kitchens and bathrooms. They are also known to be prolific breeders, with one female capable of producing up to 300 offspring in her lifetime. At Extermination Cible Action, we offer comprehensive cockroach control services to eliminate these pests and prevent future infestations.


Centipedes are elongated, many-legged creatures that are often considered creepy and crawly. These pests are commonly found in damp areas such as basements and crawl spaces and are known to feed on insects and other small creatures. While their venom is not typically dangerous to humans, they can deliver a painful bite if threatened. At Extermination Cible Action, we offer centipede control services to remove these pests from your home and keep them from coming back.


Woodlice, also known as pill bugs, are common outdoor pests that can sometimes find their way into homes. These crustaceans are attracted to moist environments and are often found in basements, bathrooms, and kitchens. While they do not pose a significant threat to human health, they can cause damage to plants and can be unsightly if they infest your home. At Extermination Cible Action, we offer woodlice control services to eliminate these pests and keep them from causing damage to your property.

Extermination d'autres pestes

Other pest animals


Squirrels are cute and entertaining creatures to watch, but they can quickly become a nuisance if they enter your home or garden. Squirrels are known for their ability to climb trees and buildings and can easily access attics, fireplaces and other areas of your home. They are also known to chew through wires and insulation, which can damage your property and pose a fire hazard. Extermination Cible Action offers humane squirrel removal and exclusion services to help keep these pesky creatures out of your home and garden.


Groundhogs are a type of large ground squirrel commonly found in mountains and high altitude areas. Although generally harmless, groundhogs can become a nuisance if they dig burrows on your property or damage your garden. Groundhogs are attracted to areas with abundant vegetation and often feed on vegetable crops and ornamental plants. Extermination Cible Action can help control groundhog infestations and protect your property from damage.


Skunks are known for their peculiar smell and can quickly become a nuisance if they enter your property. Skunks are attracted to areas with lots of vegetation and will often take up residence under bridges, sheds and other structures. If a skunk feels threatened, it may spray a foul-smelling liquid, which can be difficult to remove. Extermination Cible Action offers humane skunk removal and exclusion services to help keep these pesky creatures out of your home and garden.


Raccoons are known for their intelligence and dexterity and can quickly become a nuisance if they enter your property. Raccoons are attracted to places with plenty of food and shelter and often settle in attics, fireplaces and other rooms in your home. They are also known to raid garbage cans and compost bins, which can create a mess and attract other pests. Extermination Cible Action offers humane raccoon removal and exclusion services to help keep these pesky creatures out of your home and garden.


If you have any concerns or would like additional information about our services, you can contact us for a quick response.
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